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Oct 2023 - Meeting Minutes

Goat Lab, Lowell


Meeting called to order with a toast by our Social Chair Lewie Lewis



Education Piece: James Spurlin - Festival Season Readiness


James filled in for Justin and spoke to us about how to be prepared for festival season and jockey box examples. You can find the presentation HERE



Old Business:


  • Larry updated on Ale-Truism Oktoberfest Fundraiser. $40k plus net profit for Ale-Truism. 7 charities


  • New Member Packet - The packets are done. A Welcome letter will be added by next month.


  • Official OZ October Social: High Gravity: Girls on the Run


  • Merch was pushed to next year


  • Canopy replacement: The canopy was replaced. Now we have to pay the invoice.


  • We will be voting next month for the 1st and 3rd quarter Iron Brewer styles for 2024


  • Christmas Party: The idea was brought up to use the December meeting as our annual Christmas party. Ideas included:

    • Pot Luck

    • Dor Prize Raffle

    • Ugly Sweater Contest


  • A Call for Leadership: Current officers implored members to consider stepping into leadership roles next year as we will have the majority of the current officers stepping down at the end of the year. Larry proposed that additional expectations for officers should be added to the Bylaws for next year. (We will vote at a later date)

    • Attend at least 8 meetings during the year you are serving as an officer

    • If an officer misses 3 meetings in a row, said officer should be voted out



Remaining Iron Brewer comps for the year:

Q4 English Porter (January 18th @ FLOPS)



New Members/Visitors:


  • No new members this time




New Business:

  • Potential educational pieces upcoming (Please bring your ideas to a meeting and/or consider presenting something)

    • How to brew an award winning Kolsch (Perhaps we can get Randy on this one?)



Upcoming Events:


  • Germannfest - November 4th



Closing Minutes:


  • Identifying beers that were brought (I forgot to get a count of the total brought was around 15)

  • Meeting Attendees: 13 plus Bill


Brewer of the month results:

  1. Rob Davis - Belgian Dark Strong

  2. Randy Germann- Helldiver Kolsch

  3. David Johnson - Tropical Stout



  • Call for Feeback

    • None this time


Motion to close

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