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June 2023 - Meeting Minutes

GOAT Lab Brewery, Lowell


Meeting called to order with a toast by our Social Chair Lewie Lewis



Education Piece: Counting Yeast Cells with Jenn Muckermann and Rob Pagano


​Jenn spoke to us about all things yeast and even brought her microscope so we could see exactly how counting yeast cells works! It was pretty cool to see!



Old Business:


  • Annual membership dues are due now! Please see our Treasurer Keola Ingerson. Dues are $25 and may be paid in person via cash or check, and may also be paid online with a small processing fee.


Remaining Iron Brewer comps for the year:

Q2 Saison (July 20th @ FLOPS)

Q3 Kolsch (October 3rd @ OZ)

Q4 English Porter (January 18th @ FLOPS)


July meeting has been moved to July 11th due to the holiday. Dr McWhirt will be in the house to speak to us about the UofA hop farm so be ready with all your hop related questions!


August 8th we will be taking a field trip down to Clarksville to visit the UofA hop farm



New Members/Visitors:


Rob Davis and Jeremy Skocy not only joined us today for their first meeting, but also shared the win for Brewer of the Month!



New Business:

  • We will be voting for the Fall Community Service Project at the July meeting. Please be ready to present your charity ideas.


  • Doc Farmer and Randy Germann reported of Big Brew Day:

    • 30 people attended

    • Brewed the official Big Brew Day Beer "Nearly Nirvana Pale Ale"

    • Gained one new member - Marsha Farmer

    • Proposal to enter the beer into the AHA competition passed. We later found out, however, that this competition was invite only and not open to any club to participate.


  • Art of Homebrew Showecase Report:

    • Marsha Farmer won People's Choice for her "Mimi's Spiced Hard Cider"

    • Larry McCallister and James Spurlin won Brewer's Choice (The Jack) for the "ButterBeer Cider"

    • As a result, Kolin is pondering splitting up beer and cider for next year


  • Club Merch is still pending. There has not been a great solution as of yet. Please help us out if you know of a cost effective way to get the brewing/work shirts and T-shirts printed for us on the cheap. In a perfect world we would love to have a marketplace set up on our website where folks can order as they wish, but we may have to just put in orders twice a year to save money and avoid holding physical stock.


  • Potential educational pieces upcoming (Please bring your ideas to a meeting and/or consider presenting something)

    • Omega Yeast

    • Kolsch Beer


  • Rogers Oktoberfest - October 14th, 1-6pm.

    • They are asking for homebrewers for the first time

    • Estimating 850 people to attend

    • Hosted in downtown Rogers at the Railyard Stage

    • Benefits the Rotary Club of Rogers


  • Festbier Competiton

    • Judging took place on June 17th

    • Randy Germann and Darin Dickson won for FLOPS and OZ respectively. Both beers with be brewed at Goat Lab and served at the Octoberfest held at Goat Lab this fall



Upcoming Events:


  • HAM Hop-Off (Historic Beers, Little Rock) - July 14th

  • Iron Brewer Q2 Saison - July 20th @ FLOPS

  • GSBF Sept 23rd

  • Girls on the Run - Oct 6th (Tentatively)

  • Rogers Octoberfest - Oct 14th

  • Germannfest - 1st Saturday in November



Closing Minutes:


  • Identifying beers that were brought (18 total homebrews!!!)


Brewer of the month results:

  1. Rob Davis - Whiskey Barrel Aged Imperial Stout & Jeremy Skocy - Flemish Red

  2. Larry McCallister - Flanders Red, James Spurlin - Maple Bourbon Stout, Craig Murphree - Belgian Style Wheat with Orange Twist, & Lewie Lewis - The Ole Muscadine Wine


There was no way that we could break the tie this time. Sometimes it just works out that everyone gets the same amount of votes.



Motion to close

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